Greatest Transfers to WKU


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Here we are: another year [almost] in the books for WKU Athletics (track & field "run" until June. Get it? Run. I will be here all day). We have talked a lot about Doughty, Brohm, football's amazing season, and Stansbury. So now what?

After wrapping up the year, I think now is the perfect opportunity to discuss a particular topic as it applies to all sports: transfers. WKU recruits some stellar athletes out of high school. However, I thought it would be fun to take a look, specifically, at those athletes who have transferred to WKU. From Miranda Kramer (softball) to TJ McCollum (football), WKU transfers have impacted, and continue to impact, their respective programs.

The question: Who are the greatest transfers that have played, or currently play, on the Hill?

If we are including Juco players in this. I would like to be the first to add Tyrone Brazelton aka "Brazzle Dazzle" to the mix. Dude absolutely lit it up his senior year on the Hardwood for the Tops. Including going off for a career high 33 in the 2OT win against Drake including the game winning assist that led to the infamous Ty Rogers "The Shot".
If you include everyone, Miranda Kramer (1st team AA softball) or Adele Gleaves (NCAA All-around gymnastics champion) are two top ones in my lifetime. There have been many, many notable ones though. Basketball-Wayne Chapman was a great one. Jerry Dunn and Rex Bailey started on our 1971 FF team. Billy Bryant was a great transfer from Maryland. Football had a whole group of guys come in the 70s. The SS from UF a few years ago was an instant difference maker (gone blank on his name right now). Given some time and old Talismans I could probably find more candidates.
Thanks for sharing @haskins54, great list! Jonathan Dowling is the safety from Florida you are trying to think of in recent WKU football lore.