Football **Monday press conference quick hits**

Jun 18, 2018
Head Coach Mike Sanford

Tough loss and tough night on Saturday. WKU didn’t want to put that out on the field and lose to a FCS squad

Said this was the best execution of a team in 3 areas as he had ever seen in the first 10 minutes of the game

What’s new is to him.... was the mindset the same at 21-0 to let up the gas... the way to fix that is focus on one play at a time and execute it.

Drew Eckels is still being evaluated. The third down play where he was injured was not a designed QB run. It was meant to be a pass. Eckels will be a game time decision on Saturday. His injury was to a different part of the upper body.

Steven Duncan and David Shanley will get reps this week in preparation for the game to see who might replace Eckels should he not play.

Size of Louisville is impressive, especially at receiving position. That will be a problem for WKU one on one.

The amount of players on the roster from Louisville is extra incentive for Tops to play well in Louisville.

Likes playing the in-state games. Would love to get UK back on the schedule at some point.

Garland LaFrance is emerging as a player and a run game threat. LaFrance is a functional player, can make cuts on a dime and catch passes well.

Cunningham is a dynamic player for Louisville; Bass is also good for Louisville too.

Not worried about what is said on social media. As the son of a coach, he’s heard it all. Places the most value on what’s being said within our own walls. But at times, it does get deleted from our phones. He understands that there is a heavy price to pay as a coach, but he signed up for it; mainly wants to protect your players.

Solutions to current problems: focus on one play at a time; eliminating big plays by opponents; not turning over the ball offensively too much; eliminate sacks

Xavier Lane is doing well despite the setbacks. Practiced very well last week.

Defensive Coordinator Clayton White

Louisville is a balanced team; will have to prepare for multiple quarterbacks with Louisville

Will dig back into his memory banks of coaching against Petrino while at NC State. Says Petrino is one of those coaches you know will be prepared and ready with his best.

Your mistakes show up on the scoreboard and that is harped on for all of the guys in the locker room; 2 plays can give momentum to an opponent as WKU found out versus Maine

Preparing for the big wide receivers that U of L has is hard but will utilize what they can to prep prior to the game.

Eli Brown has adjusted well so far and is coming along.

Mobley is more mature now. Working with everyone now to keep the second string afloat
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