Well looks like the other board has shut it down after ODU

Mar 21, 2006
But not this one! ........Goodness what a dumpster fire in Diddle tonight. Team played good and had ODU on life support and then.........then..........Harper told them to run clock with 1:25 left up 4 and the ball. Wrong!! Wrong!! Wrong!! You can't run clock with freshmen PG and your upper classmen poor ball handlers. Just can't. All year WKU has lost it trying to run the clock down only to end up with a turnover or a horrible prayer of a shot.

Tonight it was poor Fred Ed who ended up with the hot potato and the clock at 3 seconds where he had to force up a shot over a double team. ODU comes down and busts a 3. Then with the tops still up one.....again Harper wants them to run the clock down. Your only going to win or lose coach. They ain't going to break you on a wheel or skin you alive if you lose. Don't be so timid. Don't even LOOK at the clock. Just play hard.

I think it's too late for Harper to save his job and that is a shame. I don't know the man, I only know his coaching and its not the kind of coaching that belongs in Diddle Arena. The OTHER coach is supposed to be afraid and timid. The OTHER players tight and fearful. There are ZERO reasons to run the shot clock down up 4 and with possession of the ball with 1:25 to go even you think your opponent totally has you outclassed. Even then PLAY THE FREAKING GAME and go down giving your best, don't dribble around watching the clock because your terrified in your own house!! It does not work. Like the "prevent defense" in football that every fan hates and coaches love for some reason.
Hi, just signed up to the site! Really enjoy the work Sean, Tyler, and the others do here!

@Bilrus61, I agree with you on a lot of fronts - you have to continue to play aggressive in the final minutes of the game. That aggression kept us in the game for the entirety and was the reason we had a lead that late in the game. You're right, it was a very "prevent defense" way to lose another close game again.

Three heartbreaking losses in a row and it doesn't get any easier schedule-wise the rest of the way. Also, can we get Justin Johnson more touches on offense, please? haha
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