
Feb 8, 2008
CUSA tourney starts tomorrow. Why not a single thread, post, or column about it? Nothing since signing day really...I want to join this rivals too but lately there is any updates, articles, or posts.

That being said I hope we go get em tomorrow
It is insane. I didn't re-up for this year because we aren't getting any info, updates, or even conversation. I am a member to the UK one but I attended WKU and would love to be a member here too but there doesn't seem to be a reason to sign up
No reason to be a member. Seems to have a decent run of info then shuts off for months. Usually followed by someone saying they're the new person making the posts and to bear with them while they figure out how to run the Waste of 10bucks a month.
I just keep forgetting to cancel my subscription. The last time I complained about lack of any information they gave me 3 months for free which ended in December....just haven't cancelled yet.